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This band is the Scissor Sisters This performer is called Pink This band is the Rolling Stones

Guess the band from a cartoon game


1 Music Shack
2 John Lennon War is Over sign
3 John Lennon Imagine Peace
4 Guess the band
5 Guess the band

6 The Beatles Discography 1963
7 The Beatles Discography 1964
8 The Beatles Discography 1965 - 1966
9 The Beatles Discography 1966 - 1967
10 The Beatles Discography 1968 - 1969
11 The Beatles Discography 1969 - 1970
12 The Jam Discography 1977 - 1978
13 The Jam Discography 1979 - 1982
14 The Jam Discography Singles

15 Mr David Alexander (Welsh Singer)

Pick a decade music quiz general knowledge questions and answers.

General Knowledge Quiz





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Pop quiz 2004

70's Idol quiz

Our site quiz

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Political quiz

The Legend Quiz

Imagine Peace
The point to World Peace

Search music for peace

John lennon Yoko ono war is over

John lennon imagine

Donovan universal soldier

Bob dylan blowin in the wind

Bob dylan masters of war

Bob dylan times they are a changin

Zager and Evans in the year 2525

Jesus Christ superstar theme song

Nick Lowe peace love and understanding

Aquarius Hair Lyrics

Byrds turn turn turn

Guess the bands from a cartoon :-)

Hello Buddy... Guess who the band is from the cartoon animation picture. Place the cursor over the picture to reveal a band name.