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History of Russia


Introduced by penguin person General Ivan Itchy Knowledge :-)

A cartoon buddy of Russia and Russian history notes maker.

Hello Buddy. So human pal, what is within the Russian zone of your Planet? Well me and my observations and notes for a start. Ivan's records will show you what a great, and also troubled history Russia has had. This country that is renown of bitterly cold winters is not just all snow you know, it also has the warmest of summers within the largest country on your Planet Earth.

My Russia history notes

Here’s how the monarchy started:- The ninth and tenth centuries saw Viking chiefs ruling the major cities of Kiev and Novgorod, by the twelfth century the Russian people were considered united under the empire of Kiev, with local princes ruling the country.
The 13th century saw the Mongol invaders overrunning the southern steppes area (1223) and by the 14th century Ukraine and Byelorussia were controlled by Poland.
Ivan The Great united the country (1462-1584) defeating the Mongols. He then proclaimed himself the first Tsar.

Catherine II (The Great) Empress, made the country the strongest power in Europe, annexing Poland, Byelorussia and the mighty Ukraine.

Alexander I reign saw the defeat of Napoleons invading army (1812) and he was succeeded by Nicholas I (1825) who saw Russia's involvement in the Crimean War (1853-1856). Alexander I and Alexander II modernised the country with industry and built the famous Trans-Siberian railway.

Nicholas II established an elected parliament (Duma) but his reforms of Russia's democracy fell apart due to corruption and intrigues. The result was the creation of the Bolshevik party aiming to reform unjust rule and to create a new justly ruled and all of society equal in class, communist state. By 1917 the Russian revolution of ‘reform’ had started.

The tsar abdicated power in march, and during July 1918, he and his family were murdered by their Red army guards to prevent their rescue by the White Russian army (anti communist forces during the civil war), even though his power and authority had already been relinquished.
So ended the monarchy and now the new Communist Revolution ideology and movement were free to rule and reform Russia. The first problem the Revolutionaries now encountered was how to actually Unite themselves. This was to end in dictatorship, and the single person rule of both political party and people.                  Russian Constitution:- The President of the Russian Federation



1462 - Ivan III /Great

1505 - Basil III

1533 - Ivan IV /Terrible

1584 - Fyodor I

1598 - Boris Gudunov

1605 - Fyodor II

1605 - Demetrius

1606 - Basil IV/Shuiski

1610 - Interregnum

1613 - Michael Romanov

1645 - Alexis

1676 - Fyodor III

1682 - Ivan V & Peter I/ Great

1682 - Peter I/ Great

1689 - Peter I/ Great

1725 - Catherine I

1727 - Peter II

1730 - Anna

1740 - Ivan VI

1741 - Elizabeth

1762 - Peter III

1762 - Catherine II/Great

1796 - Paul I

1801 - Alexander I

1825 - Nicholas I

1855 - Alexander II

1881 - Alexander III

1894 - Nicholas II

1917 - Revolution -

The royal family are murdered.
A new ideology and regime is formed.

russian cartoon buddy

The first Romanov Tsar (Michael-1613) was elected after a long period of social decline that had caused chaos in Russia. This Tsar became a major stabilising factor of a new united nation. Peter the Great (1682-1725) Founded the capital of St Petersburg, modernised the country, and created the first Russian Navy.

World Peace Notes:- Russia since 1917

Historically surrounded and under possible threat politically and militarily due to an abundance of natural resources, this country has had to defend itself for centuries in many different ways. Until Humanity agrees a border line of many not just a few Neutral countries to form a dividing line between a physical threat both actual and perceived the threat of war due to fear (because fear always causes wars) will always be in the background. The real Unity of any country has to be agreed by the many, and not temporarily militarily enforced by the few (How any Revolution will happen against disagreement of enforcement). Russian Constitution:- Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen : We the People